21 Useful Croatian phrases

Here are 21 useful phrases in Croatian that might be helpful during your visit to this Adriatic gem.

  1. Hello - Bok (bohk)

  2. Good morning - Dobro jutro (doh-broh YOO-troh)

  3. Good afternoon - Dobar dan (DOH-bahr dahn)

  4. Good evening - Dobra večer (DOH-brah VEH-chehr)

  5. Goodbye - Doviđenja (doh-vee-JEHN-yah)

  6. Please - Molim (MOH-leem)

  7. Thank you - Hvala (HVAH-lah)

  8. Excuse me / I'm sorry - Oprostite (oh-PROH-stee-teh)

  9. Yes - Da (dah)

  10. No - Ne (neh)

  11. How are you? - Kako ste? (KAH-koh steh?)

  12. I'm fine, thank you - Dobro sam, hvala (DOH-bro sahm, HVAH-lah)

  13. What is your name? - Kako se zovete? (KAH-koh seh ZOH-veh-teh?)

  14. My name is... - Zovem se... (ZOH-vehm seh...)

  15. Where is...? - Gdje je...? (gd-yeh yeh...)

  16. How much does it cost? - Koliko to košta? (KOH-lee-koh toh KOSH-tah?)

  17. Can you help me? - Možete li mi pomoći? (MOH-zheh-teh lee mee poh-MOH-chee?)

  18. I don't understand - Ne razumijem (neh rah-ZOO-mee-yem)

  19. Where is the nearest restaurant? - Gdje je najbliži restoran? (gd-yeh yeh nai-BLEE-zhee reh-stoh-rahn?)

  20. Can I have the bill, please? - Mogu li dobiti račun, molim? (MOH-goo lee doh-BEE-tee RAH-choon, MOH-leem?)

  21. Help! - Upomoć! (OO-poh-mohtch!)

These phrases should cover a range of common situations and help you communicate effectively during your trip to Croatia.


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